
Marxism & contemporary struggles in Africa

The 21st century political scene on the African continent has been anything but quiescent, with young people involved in struggles against despotism, election fraud, repression, unemployment, privatisation of basic services, environmental degradation and corruption.

Yet, on cursory observation, unlike the 20th century when Marxism was part and parcel of the political language of the time, forms of political expression associated with Marxism seem to be marginal in popular struggles today. Is Marxism on permanent retreat in Africa today?  Is it a relic from a long-forgotten from the past? What explains this shift? What animates popular struggles today? 

Cindy Morillas – Centre for Social Change (UJ) and researcher specialising in youth and student struggles in Cameroon
Heike Becker – (UWC) professor focusing on popular and youth struggles in Southern Africa (Namibia and South Africa)


26. April 2018, 18:00 Uhr
Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education
1 Batten Lane, 7705 Cape Town, South Africa
Tshisimani Centre for Activist Education

RSVP: 685 3516/8