marx200, revolution100

The Rome Conference on Communism

A month has passed since the end of C17-The Rome Conference on Communism, an event which has left a strong mark. For five days in a row thousands of people literally swarmed the debated, held at Esc and at the National Gallery; thousands visited the exhibition and the conference Sensible of the Common (at the National Gallery).

An extraordinary success, especially if we consider the subject being debated: communism. A word that has been forgotten, offended, mispronounced, cursed, that still fuels the hatred of reactionary writers, and that has suddenly taken centre stage. A stage bustling with bodies, controversies and passions. A success for which we are grateful to all those who made it possible, from the guests invited to speak (at the conferences and at the workshops) to the audience, from the artists to the technicians, and the activists.


18. Januar 2017, 17:00 Uhr
22. Januar 2017, 13:00 Uhr
ESC Atelier Autogestito
Via dei Volsci 159, 00185 Rom, Italien
Esc, Atelier autogestito.