
150K - Lecturing, researching and acting politically with Marx's Das Kapital

A series of three roundtables starting with social movements and workers unions representatives (mutual-aid housing federation, workers unified central union and popular education school), to try to answer how Marx's Capital is helpfull for their daily political action.

Then, the activities will move to the Public University with two meetings to be held respectively at the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Social Sciences, inviting senior and young lecturers to find out how they teach Capital and how they use it to conduct research. The aim is, on the one hand, to raise younger generations' interest on Capital and other Marx's texts; on the other, to gather scholars and activists already interested on Marx's works to organize an international conference on "Marxism from the Periphery" in 2018, celebration Marx's 200 birthday.

Actual programm for September:

7 setiembre - mesa redonda con voceros de sindicatos y movimiento sociales /
7 Sep.  Unions and social movements. Place to be confirmed.

12 setiembre - mesa redonda en Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administración /
12 Sep. Faculty of Economics

15 setiembre - mesa redonda en Facultad de Ciencias Sociales /
15 Sep. Faculty of Social Sciences.

Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and Casa Bertolt Brecht

Contact: javiertaks@cbb.org.uy


4. Juli 2017
6. Juli 2017, Ganztägig
Casa Bertholt Brecht
Andes 1274 esq. San José, 11100 Montevideo, Uruguay
Universidad de la República (Uruguay) and Casa Bertolt Brecht