Keio Summer School of Marxian Economics
Keio University is a center of Japanese Marxian economics and has produced many famous theorists and activists from the pre-war period. Based on this tradition, Keio University set up a summer school on Marxian economics for young graduate and under-graduate students from all over the world in 2016. In 2018, we also provide this intensive series of lectures not only on the Japanese new Marxian tradition, but also on Chinese and Korean Marxian economics.
- August 7th: Introduction to the Japanese Marxian Economics Prof. Hiroshi Onishi, Keio University
- August 8th: Philosophical Debates of the Japanese Marxian Economics Prof. Satoshi Matsui, Senshu University
- August 9th: Understanding Marx’s Text Prof. Susumu Takenaga, Daitobunka University
- August 10th: Marx’s Theory of Non-productive Costs Prof. Jian Zhao, Xiamen University
- August 11th: Korean Marxian Economics Prof. Dongmin Rieu, Chungnam National University, Korea
- August 12th: (Sunday) Tokyo Excursion
- August 13th: Japanese Mathematical Marxian Economics and Marxian Optimal Growth Model Prof. Hiroshi Onishi, Keio University
- August 14th: Selected Research Presentations by the Participants
This program is supported by School of Economics, Xiamen University, China.
The costs for tuition and one-day Tokyo excursion for this program will be covered by Keio University. However, students are responsible for arranging and paying for the accommodation and transportation costs to Keio University. If applicants need help to book hotels, we can support.
Participants will be regarded as international students of Keio University, and issued certificates of completion of this summer school.
Applicants must contact the coordinator for eligibility requirements at