Marx as a Migrant – A digital narrative

Karl Marx lived a long life as a migrant. Fleeing from the Prussian state, censorship and possible arrest, important stops on his journey were Paris, Brussels and London. These cities shaped his political activities, his engagement with political fellow-travellers, as well as his intellectual development and thus his entire work.

At the click of a mouse, you can follow Marx as a migrant from city to city. You can not only immerse yourself in his time, but also discover that even today, traces of his life and work continue to be seen in Paris, Brussels and London.

Each station takes about 45 minutes.


Marx as a Migrant

  • London
  • Hard Years in Dean Street

Resumption of economic studies

Marx drew a line beneath the Revolution of 1848 by the summer of 1852 at 28 Dean Street with his “The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte”. He does this with a text that appears in the USA, because no one in Germany or England wants to publish it at the time. Nevertheless, today it is still regarded as the first scientific depiction of modern revolutions.

Here, he again resumes his work on his critique of political economy which he had planned since his time in Paris.